- Check eligibility to ensure you meet the program eligibility requirements.
- Apply by calling (808) 768-5888 or submit a request online.
- Once your interest form is received, we will schedule you for an informational briefing. Each applicant that attends the briefing is provided an eligibility packet with a checklist of eligibility documents, and all original documents are required to complete the eligibility process.
- Applicants are notified in advance prior to attending an informational briefing and the documents required to determine eligibility.
- Staff assist applicants with the completion of an application.
- If all documents are provided, staff determine eligibility for the program, if not will provide pending list of documents to provide.
- If deemed eligible for services, case manager submit application and documentation that defers eligibility to the program manager/supervisor. Program manager/supervisor reviews application and documents to validate eligibility verification records and assigned to case manager.
- Case manager scheduled eligible participant to complete intake and assessments.